Quarter 4 Strategic Plan Action Plan Update

Priority 2: Securing a successful economy for Maidstone Borough

Securing Improvements to the Transport Infrastructure for our Borough

Maidstone is strategically situated between London and the channel ports and is serviced by two motorway networks, the M20 and M2, with rail connections to central London. With regard to travelling in and around the Borough by car, congestion is an issue particularly at peak time in the town centre. The bus transport network serving Maidstone town is relatively strong whilst rural transport presents distinct challenges

The Local Plan


Independent Examination into Maidstone Borough Local Plan

Programmed examination hearings have been completed. The Inspector has asked for formal public consultation on required modifications to the Local Plan. This took place between 31st March 2017 until 19th May 2017.


Independent Examination into the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule

The examination of the Community Infrastructure Levy commenced following its submission at the end of April 2017. The appointed Examiner has arranged a hearing session for participants and this is scheduled for 14 June 2017. Officers have completed responses to the Examiner’s Matters, Issue and Questions, and are liaising with the appointed Programme Officer to finalise detailed arrangements for the hearing.


Planning for Sufficient Homes to meet our Borough’s Needs

Housing Strategy 2015-2020


Acquisition of property

Policy & Resources Committee agreed at its meeting on 29 March to proceed with the acquisition of 13 properties. Offers have been made on 13 suitable properties with a view to completion as soon as possible.